
Potential Articles.

So I have been flipping through the many pages of the interweb this morning and have found a few OpEd articles that I think are intreresting. I do warn you, being the indecisive person I am, there is no guarantee that one of these three articles will be the one.

1. I found my first article on, what I assume is, the NY Times opinion editorial blog.  The author is sharing how kids behavior today are not as bad as when she was growing up back in the 80's or even the 90's and that parents shouldn't worry so much about their kid.

2. My next article I found on USA TODAY. The author shares their opinion on how not hiring smokers crosses the privacy line. Their audience is people in the work force who smoke but possibly also those who don't. 

3. My 3rd idea for an article is from this blog, in the article she talks about what she thinks it takes to make a long distance last, as she has been in one before. Her audience is anybody in a long distance relationship or heading into one.

Have a great weekend!  


  1. The article on long distance relationships is so true! One of my relationships was long distance and it was so difficult. But whenever we did see each other, it was so great!

  2. I think the first one would be interesting! So many people seem to think that kids keep behaving worse and worse, so it would to cool to show that kids really aren't getting worse!

  3. The first article seems really cool!

    the thrid article reminds me of this quote -
    "Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire."

  4. I think you picked really good articles. The last one's pictures were so good too. I loved looking at them.

  5. All great choices, Tessa! Any of them have the potential to make good RAs. The last one might be an interesting choice, given its use of pictures and so forth. But either way, you're definitely on the right track.

  6. I loved the last one as well. To be honest it was the only one I read, but I loved it all the same. I just recently got out of a "LDR" so I can definitely relate.
